What is the Emmett Technique?
The Emmett Technique is a muscle release therapy which is used to address pain issues and discomfort. It is a non invasive technique which does not require massage cream, oil, manipulations, hard pressure or cracking.
Ross Emmett, an Australian, brought this technique to the UK in 2007. The Emmett Technique uses a combination of gentle switches and light pressure to release specific muscle groups helping the clients body to return to a balanced state. The treatment can take anywhere between 30/50 minutes.
The results from an Emmett Treatment is very often instantaneous and change in moblity and pain relief can be quite dramatic.
Who can benefit from Emmett?
The Emmett Technique can be used to address discomfort, improve movement restrictions and ease pain in all areas of the body. It is a complete therapy on its own but has the ability to work in combination with other therapies such as reflexology, facial, remedial massage. All available therapies are listed in the treatment section.
Some symptoms which may be assisted.
What will happen during an Emmett treatment?
You will be asked some questions about your general health and the reason for your visit. Treatments may be done whilst you are fully clothed, although some clothing may need to be removed or loosened. Treatment times may vary but will be discussed before the treatment begins. A quick assessment will be made and areas of concern will be treated accordingly.
Emmett is a complimentary therapy and not intended to take the place of or intervene with any medical treatment you may be recieving. Always discuss concerns with your GP.
Emmett Technique Therapy is now being used at a new NHS complimentary therapy school in Harrowgate North yorkshire. www.hdft.nhs.uk.
About me and EMMETT
My name is Linda Nuttall
I have been extensively trained in the priciples and practices of the EMMETT Technique and hold a Full Practitioners Certificate along with an Emmett Tutors Certificate.
Please call me on: 07843388636. I will be only too pleased to answer your questions and help where I can.